Tuesday, March 01, 2016


Surprise, we all thought that this Winter was going to be a very mild season but in the last few days nature reminded us that Spring is simply not around the corner. I think we received a record amount of snow in a very short period. I have been quite busy snow blowing and shoveling trying to keep our drive way passable. I just keep reminding my self that Spring will be arriving soon.


  1. David Ernest4:08 PM

    Don't hold your breath, Mike, about the early arrival of spring.
    We have snow up here with mounds in my front that prevent me from seeing the church across the street.
    Your photo conveys very dramatically that message.

  2. John Minkowskyj1:18 PM

    Just a heads-up to everyone following Mike's work. The WKP Kennedy Gallery is a having a retrospective showing of Mike's pre-digital work from their collection at the
    gallery. Some of Jack Sheppard's and Jeannie Thieb's work is also on display.

  3. Thanks for your comment John but I should explain that I was not made aware of this small exhibit. When I saw my prints last week I was definitely not happy with the fact that I was not informed. First the prints were damaged after a flooded basement a few years ago also wit time colour photographs started to fade. If the gallery handmade me aware of this fact I would have replaced them with new digital prints, which I will do in the very near future. Just a little correction with regards to one of the other photographers you mentioned, it's not Jeannie Thib whose pictures are on display but the images are by her mother Ruth Thib, who was a very excellent photographer and a very lovely person.

  4. David Ernest10:20 AM

    I remember Ruth Thib from a couple of Artsperience summer workshops back in the 80s.
    Yes, Mike, she was a very eager and excellent photographer from what I recall.
