Saturday, January 02, 2016


Well, at last Winter has arrived. We experienced a green Christmas but on Tuesday our first snowstorm left us with approximately 40 cm of snow. But first of course I wish everyone a very happy New Year. It has been a busy few weeks with preparing for the holidays, which we enjoyed with our family. I received some wonderful books, which I will refer to in some later postings. I also came across a marvelous photography podcast called The Art of Photography. It is a great site which has a rich content on not just tutorials on digital photography but more important on great tutorials on design and composition. Also the creator of this podcast Ted Forbes introduces you to all the great photographic masters not just from the past but also the trendsetting photographers from the 21st century. So I highly recommend this site to all of you interested in the art of photography. Enjoy.


  1. David Ernest4:09 PM

    A most Happy New Year to you and your family.

    The Art of Photography website looks most interesting. However, on opening it up, my internet denied entry and shut down! Wondering if others out there are experiencing the same problem.

    Am looking forward to hearing what new books you received.

  2. Strange you cannot connect to the Art of Photography David. You might want to try through this link You also will find all his videos on YouTube I am certain you will thoroughly enjoy his views on photography and his tutorials. Anyway give it another try.

  3. David Ernest3:05 PM

    Yes, good advice. I did get through to the website and the youtube programs.
    Very interesting material. Especially the sites treating famous photographers both past and present. Many thanks for your direction, Mike.
    Am paging through a rather large volume recently published by Taschen Press of the works of Robert Doisneau. Just beautiful images by a great artist.

  4. Great site, Mike...thank you

    I too look forward to reading about the new books you received.

    Presently, my reads are on Photo Essay....W. Eugene Smith and William Albert Allard. Not only are Eugene Smith's life story captivating, but his images are genius, in my opinion.

