Wednesday, November 25, 2015


I returned to my iPad to experiment more with some of images. I took this picture very early on Sunday morning in a coffeeshop on Queen Street in Toronto. By the way, the coffee and breakfast was excellent and a bonus was that in addition they also sell comics. But back to the picture. I liked the sunlight which created some beautiful shadows. The picture worked well in colour and black and white but then I decided to play with this picture using a variety of image apps. Some people might be interested in my workflow. So first I transferred my original picture to the iPad then into the app Snapseed. Then I used a wonderful app called iColorama. The next step is turning a copy of the image into a drawing using Photosketch Then on to Laminar Pro to combine the copies and add some effects. Learning to use these apps takes time of course but the result can be very interesting.

1 comment:

  1. David Ernest4:52 AM

    You did jump through a lot of hoops, Mike!
    However, the result is most interesting.
    Thanks for your step by step procedure.
