Saturday, October 03, 2015


Last Friday a few of us avid photographers went on a little photo excursion to the picturesque town of Killarney. It was a beautiful Fall day and we had a great time.  One of the points of interest was the killarney east lighthouse. When photographing a subject like this lighthouse I look for some interesting angles and details. I particularly liked this image rich in colour, textures and shapes.

1 comment:

  1. David Ernest5:49 PM

    Very nice shot, Mike.... a sort of minimalistic interpretation.
    We went out there frequently and enjoyed the lighthouse and various trails .
    Paramount in our trip was a stop at the fish and chips place.
    I hear that the original bus take-out has been replaced by a modern type restaurant. Sad to hear that. A bit of history and tradition slipping off into the past. This seems to be happening everywhere.
