Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Yesterday I visited the Callander Ontario Museum to take some pictures for my photo project on the small museums here in North Eastern Ontario. This display is the original Dufresne barbershop from circa 1900. It was the barbershop of Eugene Dufresne, whose son Alex Dufresne dnated the shop to the Callander Museum. Photographing this display posed a slight problem because of the large mirrors. Also the space is small so I made a composite image. I did not remove any of the objects because I wanted to preserve the view visitors would have of the shop as it is on display.


  1. Can't wait to see your photos of the Nipissing Museum.

  2. David Ernest4:15 PM

    We actually have a barber shop like this here in New Liskeard. It has survived the new era of the hair salons. This is where I go to for my occasional hair cut.
    I like your photo a lot for this very reason.
    I assume that you no longer use a traditional camera, Mike. This I gather from your recent explanations of your photo results.
    I still use my latest acquisition.... a Lumix X-100 which I like very much... Leica lens and light weight.
    Thanks for sharing your latest shot.
