Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Victoria weekend has come and gone and what a glorious weekend it was. The weather was perfect for most of the weekend. Last week at our photo group get together, Dianne showed a picture reminiscent of an old autochrome image. The picture sparked an interesting discussion about the autochrome process and how to reproduce the quality of this early colour process digitally. I am still interested in working on the iPAD and found a autochrome app, which does a nice job.The only problem I found is that the grain was too overpowering but you can easily reduce that effect. Using this as a starting point I ended up with this image of Calla lilies.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Very interesting effect, Mike. I appreciate that you shared this one. Now that I see what can be done, I will pursue it further. Thank you

    Diane I
