Wednesday, June 11, 2014


I forgot the pictures I took on our recent trip to Boston. First I thought this building  was a restaurant but then, noticing the sign and people entering with their laundry, I realized  it was a rather classy looking laundromat. David Brown commented that he enjoys working in the darkroom. Actually I loved that too but I get the same pleasure working in my room on the computer while listening to my favourite music or radio stations. Using a few image processing programs I slowly work on an image till I get the result I like.


  1. John Minkowskyj4:00 PM

    The detail in the lit-up portion of the photo is so fine and crisp. The tone is nice, great shot.

  2. And wonderful results they are too Mike! Great stuff. Stay creative and keep it coming. Thanks, Dave

  3. granddaughterofopa9:49 AM

    It looks a bit like a painting! Like it a lot.

    Monkey Girl
