Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Spring has arrived, so here is an old fashioned postcard from downtown North Bay. The colour has returned and I guess everyone is looking forward to a beautiful warm Spring and Summer.


  1. It's too bad our downtown isn't as vibrant as the colours in your photo, Mike.

  2. It's too bad that there are so many people that have so many negative things to say about Downtown North Bay but won't do anything to advocate change. Why don't you take an afternoon to stroll down our street, talk to some of the local business owners and see what downtown has to offer because these days it is changing so rapidly. If you want change to happen then you better speak up and start making it happen yourself instead of relying on other people to make the change. We need a movement of people to help us we do NOT need people sitting by the sidelines making comments about the lack of anything in our downtown community. Those that are downtown lovers and supporters will fight for it until the end.

    And if you are simply just talking about the colour of the buildings.... raise some money buy us some paint and find some volunteers to help brighten things up if that's the change you want to see.

  3. My comment certainly was not suggesting any of the stuff Raebies commented back on.

    At least I don't hide behind anonymous names like Raebies.

  4. Click on the name "Raebies" and you will see all my information. I own and operate stix and stones downtown north bay and have had my business down here for five years. I am so tired of people giving our downtown community such a negative appearance when they are the same people that don't make an effort to come down and support us and appreciate all we have that is new and vibrant down here and how much has changed in the past two years and how much work is being done continuously to change our downtown and bring it in to a new era. If you are someone that has a negative outlook on our downtown then you need to spend some time down here so we can change your mind. Our entire downtown community struggles every day with people saying comments just like the one you left, and worse, and we are all working very hard to improve our downtown and change the mindset people have about it. Those that know me and that have followed me for the five years I have been in business, know how passionate I am about our local community and how hard I work to promote all that we have down here and all that we offer because there is so much. It has been incredible to watch this community grow again and find new love and passion for all that is new and exciting down here including new stores, restaurants, art collectives and galleries, and all that the city is doing to develop our waterfront and oak street.

    With a comment like you left- what exactly WERE you suggesting? I would really like to know and you can feel free to contact myself- Rae Brenne- at stix and stones at any time because I would love to give you a personal tour of downtown so that you might see what I see every single day. 705-223-8245, stixandstonesnb@gmail.com, 147 main street west, downtown north bay. How is that for anonymous?
