Tuesday, April 15, 2014


The first day we stayed overnight in the town of Johnsbury,Vt Our hotel was just outside of town surrounded by three highways, so not a great place for interesting images. But I always like a challenge so before breakfast I walked in the area and made a few pictures which I liked. This early morning image of fog rising from the river is one of them. I like the gritty look of some of Bill Brand's landscapes so I simply increased contrast and grain.


  1. Great Black & Whites Mike! Glad you made it back safely, and are posting again....I was getting a little worried about you. Thanks, Dave

  2. John Minkowskyj3:49 PM

    Nice to see your postings again. Just like Dave, I was worried something was wrong.
    Next week I'm heading down to Maryland. Looking forward to shooting more. You gotta love trips, always something new to see.
