Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Yesterday Bob and Cathy asked me what apps I use to manipulate my pictures on the iPad. Well I use a few of the  many apps I downloaded. So lets start with my most favourite, which is Snapseed, which was developed by Nik's Software. The next one has to be Filterstorm, this is another must have. It allows for very intuitive editing of your images. For black and white I use onOne's app Perfect B&W. A great app but alas not available anymore for iPad or iPhone. You can still get it but only for the Mac computer. What a pity because this is a terrific app. I wont make this post too long, so tomorrow I will talk about some apps I use for some special effects. Two apps I highly recommend, especially if you are seriously interested in this branch of photography is AppAlchemy by Dan Marcolina and his app Mobile Masters Let me know what you think.Maybe I should start a new blog just on Mobile photography.


  1. Oh boy! I have a Mac! Off to find Perfect B&W! Thanks Mike!

  2. My problem is that I am Windows but leaning toward Mac. (My son has been after me for years to do so.)
    Should I make the transition I anticipate hoards of problems, particularly of the financial variety - Mac versions of PhotoShop, Lightroom, Nik plugins, etc.

  3. David Ernest6:27 AM

    Thanks, Mike, for the in depth info. For my b/w prints I have found Nik's Silver Efex Pro 2 to be excellent for my purposes. It, like your favourite b/w plug in, has some 30 plus variations and film types to choose from. Unfortunately, it also has its limitations since it needs Adobe Elements as a base to function.

  4. Sorry Bob for my rather late answer to your question. I personally use Windows although the Mac of course is very popular with photographers and designers. Actually I started off with the Mac but when I was teaching the college used mainly Windows PC's. So I drifted that way. Actually I don't see that much difference between the two as far as using the various image programs.
