Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Again its been awhile since my last posting. The main reason was a problem with my external hard drive, which holds my pictures. It simply stopped  working. Of course I have a backup but I neglected to duplicate my images from the last few weeks. Not very smart of course. I tried everything to get the drive working again. Then, all of a sudden it came to life. Of course I was quite happy. In the mean time I purchased a 3TB drive and now all is well. This picture I took a few days ago when my wife started on her anual Fall ritual, the cleanup. The fun part for me is burning all the dead branches she had trimmed from the various shrubs and trees. The smoke filtered light created this rather romantic image but I love it.


  1. There's nothing like a fall fire at the burn barrel.

  2. John Minkowskyj4:12 PM

    I am drawn to the photo by the subtle tones of the foreground and background. The smoke-diffused light gives it that 'dream state' feeling.

    Oh by the way, did you get a 'burn permit'? Just kidding.

  3. Nice "abstract" effect.
    I am having so much trouble with captchas lately I am beginning to doubt my humanity!

  4. BEAUTIFUL photo. I think my favorite of all your published shots this year

  5. Very nice.. reminds me of a secret garden.
