Thursday, August 22, 2013


This morning while walking along the lake I photographed the first unmistakable signs of the coming Fall. I did not post much this week because I received my new small camera, the Leica D-Lux 6 and, as with every new tool, it takes time to familiarize yourself with all the various functions. Each camera is slightly different. I am getting used to it and I am very pleased with the results. The lens is simply superb.


  1. Beautiful shot Michael! I just returned from spending 3 weeks in the North doing the usual elder care thing, and on the way back, I noticed that the leaves were starting to turn colours once more. May be up there again in a couple of weeks, and hope to be able to use the camera this time. Thanks, Dave

  2. David Ernest4:57 AM

    Great, dramatic shot, Mike.
    I am sure that you will have a great time with outstanding results with your new camera. I have had a Panasonic LX3 with a Leica Summicron lens for a few years now and use it as my regular walk-around camera. I agree that the Leica lens is superb.

  3. Beautiful photo. No signs of the autumn over here in England. Today we had another scorcher of a day. This year we have had an exceptional summer, never been known for years to have highs of 20degrees+.

    Hope you are well my friend.
