Monday, July 29, 2013


Last week David Ernest had asked me what program I used to make my black and white images. Well I use the program onOne perfect Photosuite. I am getting more proficient in the use of the various programs but I still have much to learn. For this picture, which I took last week when the skies looked so dramatic, I started first with the Perfect Effects 4 program. I liked the result but then decided that maybe a B&W image would give me the result I was looking for. so there you have my explanation David. 


  1. David Ernest5:48 AM

    Thanks very much, Mike, for the explanation. Again, I really like your use of the b/w with that program. This shot is very dramatic. Nicely done, as usual.
    I shall attempt downloading your mentioned program once more. Tried it some months back, but my Windows XP wouldn't process it. Have a different computer now with a different program.
