Monday, November 05, 2012


After posting the Yonge street panorama I got interested to explore this type of composite image a little further. So yesterday I took a seies of pictures on Main street here in North Bay. It took a little more work because my files were getting rather big. But I liked the result.


  1. Love that, Mike! Like storefronts on a Christmas card.
    I was at a 'do' the other night and one of the women there had an iphone with a panoramic setting. All she did was hold it steady and turn around the room. I was amazed (and depressed) at how good the photo turned out.

  2. This is a neat way to do panoramas.
    The inherent lack of "perfection" is appealing.

  3. Just a comment about the process I used for this and the previous panorama. The easiest way to create a panorama is simply shoot a series of consecutive images, which you can stitch together in photoshop or even simpler inside the camera. But in this case you cannot take an image like this from one position. You have to walk along the street and shoot the individual houses. The process can be compared to a tracking shot in movies. The big problem when you try to use photomerge in photoshop you run into problems because of the perspective, which is slightly different in each picture. So now you have to combine the images manually and, as you will notice, you cannot get them to line up precisely resulting in sometimes strange overlaps. Of course this makes the final result visually more interesting.When you start exploring this technique further you will end up with some very unique and personal images.
