Friday, June 29, 2012


I simply have no idea what the title means but when I walked by this sad looking scene on Main Street here in North Bay, I simply had to photograph it. 


  1. John Minkowskyj11:08 AM

    I've noticed this graffitti before. Whoever the person is I believe they used a stensil for the person on the left side. Do you think they put some thought into it?????

  2. I think you are right John about the use of a stencil. However I think it looks more like a rabbit. I have no idea what it means mabe its a statement about the political state of our country :-)

  3. The colours are great and your photo is, as usual, terrific but graffiti itself just makes me sad.

  4. I find it imaginative, creative & colourful. It shows some presence & personality in an otherwise sterile environment.
    However if it was my property being vandalized I am sure I would be upset. Does this make any sense?

  5. It wasn't a beautiful building before, was it? I agree that it is imaginative and creative and colourful and while it sounds a little hopeless, we could also chose to see it as a challenge - is there an antidote? Great photo, Mike!
