Monday, March 05, 2012


Krys and Paul will appreciate this image. It is the type of subject matter, which Albert Franck would have loved to paint. You can find information on this artist on line of course or go to your library and see if they have the book on his life and work, written by the artist and writer Harold Town, who was a great admirer of his work and a very good friend.


  1. I can see why. The brilliant colours, the delapidated building, all paint-worthy.

  2. Oh, wow, Mike! I finally looked him up and your pictures are perfect homage! I can't believe I didn't know about him before since many of my favourite Group of Seven non-Algonquin paintings are the Toronto houses in snow of Lawren Harris and those of David Milne. Thanks for introducing me to him and for illustrating his themes so brilliantly!

  3. Glad you like his work. I discovered him some years ago when I found Harold Town's book. Albert franck reminds me of Maurice Utrillo, who painted Montmartre.
