Monday, January 09, 2012


I eliminated the earlier posting by accident so here I go again. I agree with David photography has changed considerably with the change from traditional silver based processes to a digital medium. The changes are enormous not only in process but even more in visual perception.Today I downloaded a great app allowing seamless changes to images. Bob Morton asked the name of the app so simply click on the link and enjoy.


  1. Could you share the name of the app?

  2. Yes Bob.Thename of the app is Snapseed. Click on the link in my posting and this will take you to the Nik website.Its definitely worth getting.

  3. Thanks Mike. I don't have an iPhone or iPad but I visited Nik and downloaded a trial of their Color Efex Pro 4. Will have some fun over the next few days.
    Your Snapseed effects are quite striking.

  4. Love the artistry in this - so many emotional responses to the bed, the light, the wood... love it!

  5. Beautiful graphic atmosphere.
    Happy New Year Mike.
