Friday, December 30, 2011


We returned yesterday afternoon from our Ottawa Christmas visit. We had a wonderful time with our daughters, sons in law and of course our grandchildren. I did not take too many photographs, just a few for the blog. Wednesday we had our first major snow storm of the season. The weather was beautiful yesterday but the driving conditions were rather scary. The road surface were pure ice and of course the traffic was quite busy. Not much fun for the driver but we made it home safely.


  1. Nice shot Mike, the Canon G?

  2. I hope Marianne had a relaxing time after the drive!!

  3. John Minkowskyj10:07 AM

    Glad to have you and Marianne back, safe and sound. Provide us with more great work and ideas in the New Year.

    Happy New Year!!!

  4. Thanks for the postings. Yes I used my Canon G11. I really like this camera because it is similar to an artists sketch book. Its fast and gives great results.Yes Rob Marianne was very happy to get home especially after having to listen to my comments. Enough said and of course I wish all of you a very Happy New Year. Cheers
