Tuesday, November 15, 2011


As promised, here is a colour image of the inside of the old schoolhouse. I was really surprised to see that the place had not been stripped bare.


  1. Great shot Mike! It reminds me a lot of the K - 8 one room school house that I attended as a boy. It was my job before breakfast every morning to light the fire in the old wood/coal stove, so it would be warm enough when classes started. No regrets. Dave

  2. Wow, Dave - I remember those stories from much older people than you!

    A sorry mess in the photo - desolation writ large.

    Nice comp, Mike.

  3. It is a beautiful and sad site. I have an old schoolhouse we are ever renovating... I see the lights in this pic and we are having a hard time finding matching ones..and yes I am surprised it hasn't been picked clean, sadly most were.
