Sunday, September 11, 2011


It has been a very busy last week. We had visitors so I did not have much time to take pictures let alone post some.o today I am posting another image in my series of objects, like the chair, I showed earlier. What this object is I simply have no idea but it intrigued me. While working on this series I discovered the work of a well known Norwegian photographer Øyvind Hjelmen, whose work I really like.Anyway as of tomorrow I will not be able to post much because my wife and I are going on a two week trip to the Charlevoix area in Quebec. Hopefully we will see some whales.

1 comment:

  1. David Ernest4:08 AM

    Interesting artist, Hjelman. Checked out his other work and found that he did some very nice b/w portraiture. Thanks for suggesting him, Mike
