Monday, June 20, 2011


Today a simple image of our front garden, or more accurately, I should say my wife Marianne's front garden. I am not a gardener, although I enjoy it very much, but all the credit has to go to Marianne. Of course like all gardeners, she redesigns every year. This season is no exception. The part of the front I did not photograph she is going to make some radical changes. She is a true artist working on the canvas of the garden, except it is of course never finished.


  1. Hi Mike,
    Love those lupines! I tried to grow some here but they need a cooler and damper climate than Windsor. They grow totally wild back home. Bravo to Marianne! Thanks, Dave

  2. John Minkowskyj8:45 AM

    Beautiful gardens.
    Thank You Marianne.

  3. The difference is the garden is alive! Marianne is probably only too aware of the definition of perennials - had they lived, they would have gone on for a long time...

    Don't give up on the lupines, Dave - I got hybrids to grow in Toronto - and you can always create a microclimate!
