Tuesday, February 15, 2011


This morning my wife and I made a trip to New Liskeard. On our way back we stopped in Cobalt the old silver town. It is quite an interesting place with all kind of old and in many cases historical places. It is definitely a town which needs further exploring especially in the Winter. These houses have seen better times but are now used for storage I guess, anyway it is quite colourful.


  1. Beautiful Mike! I love that old town, and the surrounding country side is full of old mining relics. Thanks, Dave

  2. David Ernest3:37 AM

    This was a thriving garage even up to recent times. Many attempts have been made to put Cobalt on the tourist market, but to no avail. Just too far off the beaten track with no other touristy surrounding offerings. The frames on the outskirts of the town are worth a shoot, however.

  3. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Well if your into virtual tourist stuff I suggest you have a look at Google Street View. They have done a great job at mapping the town.
