Friday, December 10, 2010


A few weeks ago I posted a picture of Duchesnay Creek. This time I took this image from the same spot but prefered to take it in black and white. I liked the textures and patterns of the brush in the lower part of the image contrasting with the snow covered pine trees at the top.


  1. David Ernest2:41 AM

    Really like this one, Mike. Here is where b/w outclasses colour, in my opinion. Your actual print must be very dramatic. By the way, do you favour a certain brand of paper these days?

  2. Nice graphic composition.

  3. Very interesting - both the black and white and the colour shot. Forgot you said you had done it in colour before and recognized it instantly - very different impressions. The black and white very dramatic and satisfying, the colour more teasing with the hints of blue sky reflected in the water and the yellow of the graass, the rust of the leaves. Terrific.
