Wednesday, December 08, 2010


Another picture of our little photo trip. Occasionally a gust of wind would blow the soft snow around. You had to be quick because it would last only a few seconds. The blowing snow would create a fog like effect.


  1. Hi Mike,
    I love this shot, as it reminds me of a time when my son was 3 years old, and we went up the North Highway to find a Christmas tree. It is something I always think about when I see the weather like this. Thanks. Dave

  2. This shot is simply amazing, it feels very familiar to me, winter is so much more beautiful when it's white and pictures taken in the woods like this one are making me like it even more.

  3. John Minkowskyj11:12 PM

    Is this the Black Forest, north of the city?
    Photo sets a nice mood.
