Sunday, November 28, 2010


Last Friday afternoon I walked the trails in the Black Forrest Park here in North Bay. It was snowing lightly, the light was very soft which I liked. I made this picture without a tripod and because of the very low light I had to shoot at 800 ISO. This gave me quite a bit of noise but instead of trying to suppress the noise I added more grain to the image. I liked the final result which has an almost painterly effect. I won't be around for a few days, actually I will be gone for most of the week, so on my return I'll resume my postings.

1 comment:

  1. David Ernest4:44 AM

    Actually, I like the noise/grain effect of your shot here, Mike. Have a Lumix LX3 that offers a b/w grain setting which produces some uncanny and dramatic results.
