Saturday, October 23, 2010


This afternoon I passed this very nice late Fall scene just off Hwy 522. The tamarack were a beautiful gold colour. The colour  image turned out to be too much like a nice postcard so to make it more interesting I combined a sepia toned picture with the original colour shot. It soften the colour then I just emphasized the yellow of the tamarack. Some people asked me for an tutorial on the Russell Brown method of turning a picture into black and white. Just email me and I will send you the info and the black and white action.


  1. David Ernest4:25 AM

    I find this method that you explain here a nice change, Mike.
    By the way, can Russell Brown's program be ordered or used outside of Photoshop?

  2. well David I don't know what image processing software you use but the Russell Brown method should work in most of them. Of course you can't use the Photoshop actions but the process is very easy. There are a variety of other ways to make a black and white image with the most popular one is using the Channel Mixer. Email me and I will send you a list with various methods and if you are using Photoshop, plugins.
