Wednesday, October 20, 2010


David Ernest asked me yesterday if I use the  black and white setting on the camera or translate my colour images into black and white using Photoshop. I prefer the latter method because it gives me more choice. I made this picture on a very dark and rainy day so I had to use a high ISO rating, resulting in quite a bit of noise. I turned the colour image into black and white with Russell Brown's method using two Hue/Saturation layers. If you are working with the full Photoshop CS3 to CS5 look at Russell Brown's Photoshop Laboratory Experiments. He is quite corny but the tutorials are excellent.


  1. Hey Mike,
    This is an image of beautiful structure and lighting. I can't quite figure out why so many get all twisted out of shape over digital noise, or film grain. Personally, I think it often adds texture to an image. Thanks for this. Dave

  2. David Ernest4:25 AM

    Thanks, Mike, for the Russell Brown lead. Have looked at his program at your suggestion and will further pursue it. A great fun presentation.

  3. Hi Mike: Could you clarify how you used "Russell Brown's method using two Hue/Saturation layers". I've found Russell Brown's method (your link doesn't work by the way) and there are no Hue/Adjustment layers in his presentation.
    Its a great photo and I know that I wouldn't have seen it.
