Thursday, August 05, 2010


this weekend i was again back in Ottawa. Did not take pictures but visited a very good photo exhibition at the National Gallery of work by the Montreal photographer Angela Grauerholz. On my way back I stopped to photograph this little Presbyterian church in Point Alexander. As I wrote a little earlier in one of my postings, I got interested in the small wooden churches you find all over the area. However I was not happy with the straight and simple pictures of these buildings and was looking to present them in a more visually interesting way. After seeing Angela Grauerholzer's work I   liked her approach so I emulated her technique in my image you see posted today.


  1. Well done. Nice place.

  2. The simplicity of this little white church makes for a very arresting photo Mike. Love the sepia that places it in another time. Thanks, Dave

  3. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Hi Mike:
    Nice shot. HAve you tried the old United Church in Cache Bay.

    Here is a version of mine. No apologies for the liberal Photoshopping.

    I follow your blog but have never commented till now.

    John Buffett

  4. Hi John,
    Thanks for your posting. I remember the church in Cache Bay from the 70s. Jack Shepherd and I would go there regularly to take pictures in the area in and around the town.
