Thursday, July 15, 2010


It has been awhile since my last posting. This week someone phoned me regarding an old photograph I took in 1970. The button man was a well known figure around North Bay. I made this image at a downtown Summer craft market. Ever since this picture has been quite popular but it has been almost ten years since selling a print. While looking through my old negatives I found many I should scan in over the next little while.So expect a few nostalgic image from a few years back.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mike,
    I just love this B&W photo. When we first arrived in NB in '73, one of the first things I saw was this old gent on Cassells St. I was brand new to photography at the time, and felt that I did not have the skills yet to do him justice. So happy that you did. Thanks for posting. Dave
