Saturday, May 22, 2010


It has been awhile since my last posting. I have been busy with some other projects so my blog got seriously neglected. I promise to post more regularly. I made this picture last night  and it is amazing how low the water level of Lake Nipissing is. These rocks are normally under water but now you can walk quite a distance on to the lake.


  1. Very striking picture ... beautiful, yet scary with the water being so low this year.

    I wonder if the pebbly foreground was a choice spawning bed for Walleye (aka Pickerel) in years past?

    The sunset is beautiful.

    thanks for posting this picture, which I found via Google, searching on Lake Nipissing, since my friends and I will be coming to the area in a weeks time in hopes of catching a few fish, and missing more than a few hidden rocks !!

  2. Beautiful shot Mike! Love it. I just returned from spending a little time with family in the North, and doing a little fishing. A much needed change of scene for me. It was nice to see natural beauty, and not man sculptured or constructed things for a change. Thanks, Dave

  3. john Minkowskyj8:58 AM

    Love the colour. Very intense.
    Are they natural or a little tweeked? I really enjoy looking at this sunset.

  4. Thanks for your comment John. Yes I did tweak the colours.
