Friday, April 09, 2010


It has been quite some time since I posted an image. Well, it has been very busy with family and friends visiting us since Easter. Now it is back to normal. I can spend more time taking pictures and hopefully I will be back posting regularly. The lake is now officially free of ice, which is here in North Bay the real start of Spring, although it was quite cold and dark today. The warm sunny weather will return next week. So here is a picture of an abandoned fishing hut, a reminder of the Winter season.


  1. I don't think the hut is "abandoned", Mike. It's just waiting for the owners to return and load it up to be driven away.

  2. You are right Rob. Actually it might belong to the people living next to this beach but it looks abandoned that's why I tiled it that way.

  3. It looks rather splendid against the dramatic clouds eh? I like this shot Mike. Brings back memories of the North. Thanks, Dave

  4. Beautiful image. I love the contrast between the colors of the hut and the very dark sky .
