Friday, March 19, 2010


Last night my wife and I returned from a quick two day visit to Toronto. The purpose of the trip was a visit to the yearly Canada Blooms garden show, which was a great disappointment and to see a show of etchings by Lucian Freud and Rembrandt. We enjoyed the exhibition but came to the same conclusion, Rembrandt was the better artist. It would take a separate posting to explain why we felt that way. Outside the gallery I photographed this refection in the stunning new facade by Frank Gehry. That alone is worth the visit to the AGO in Toronto.


  1. This is an amazing shot - I love it! I'm off to Toronto the first week of April to see King Tut at the ROM.

  2. Hi Elaine,
    Glad you enjoyed the image but before you go to the ROM to see the King Tut exhibit, just a reminder that this show is actually at the AGO. Enjoy the exhibition.

  3. John Minkowskyj1:20 PM

    Great shot Mike. The whole neighbourhood in this area is intersting to photograph.
    I have a panoramic that I took from the similar location as you, but from the inside, in the corridor along this glass wall.
    Because I was within 20 feet of the wall, the panoramic looks like an inverted boomerang instead of a long corridor. Frank Gehry should see how I distorted his architecture.

  4. Hi Mike,
    Fantastic shot! Your photos such as this makes me want to travel more. Maybe this year...Thanks, Dave
