Monday, February 22, 2010


Sometimes you take a photograph which, at first glance, does not look as promising as you initially thought. I took this picture in Perth just a few weeks ago. It definitely did not work in colour but in black and white had potential. I simply put it aside and after some time started to play with the image and made changes for a greater visual impact. It reminds me of a butterfly caught in an enclosed space looking for a way out.   


  1. John Minkowskyj6:18 PM

    Are the framed window and mullions on the ceiling? and the light coming in from a window in the side wall?
    The photo makes you look at it in many ways. It does look good in B + W ((slight sepia).

  2. One could read a lot of symbolism into this one Mike. Lots of lines of tension here. Makes you wonder who or what is on the floor? Thanks, Dave
