Tuesday, January 05, 2010


This picture is for John Minkowskyj. I have not been out and about shooting pictures so I searched through my old files for some Winter images I had not shown yet. This piture is a few years old and I made it near Waterloo in Southern Ontario. I like these old iron bridges, especially in the Winter, because they add such a strong graphic elemnt to a landscape. Enjoy John and of course a Happy New Year.


  1. Hi Mike,
    John should enjoy the architecture of this shot. Very strong image. Dave

  2. John Minkowskyj11:21 PM

    Thank You for the picture, strong graphics. You have many great winter shots, old and new. You are inspiring all of us to shoot winter, a time most people don't shoot photos.
    I get out about every 2nd day and always seem to get some interesting shots. Thank You, again.

  3. Happy New Year my friend. I really like this shot. We are having a very bad winter here in uk and i haven't been out much. I'm not good on my feet in the snow and it's really icy under the snow too which makes it worse. I must try to get out more as there are so many photo opportunities to be had. Anyway take care Mike and try to get out as your winter shots are inspiring.
