Wednesday, December 02, 2009


Wat een verrassing om een email te ontvangen na zoveel jaren. Ik zal je over een paar dagen een meer uitgebreide email terug sturen dus deze posting is allen om je te laten weten dat ik je brief ontvangen heb.
Yesterday we received the first bit of snow this Winter. It started to melt in the afternoon so not much is left. This picture was taken at the mouth of the Lavase River wher the river enters Lake Nipissing. Normally this would be covered in snow with ice covering the lake. This warm weather is very unusual at this time of year.


  1. Nice, looks like waayy up north in the arctic.

  2. John Minkowskyj2:33 PM

    The snow sure did melt fast. Yesterday morning I went down to Champlain Park (Premier RD) and Sunset Park and got some great shots of the morning snow & fog.
    I shot some photos in sequence and did a panoramic print in Photo Elements, it turned out great.

    I like the colours in your photo.
    Thank You for posting. I visit this site daily to see what you've captured.

  3. Hey Mike,
    Great shot of one of my favorite haunts. Love the sky! A lot of history in this area.
