Monday, November 02, 2009


This waterfall is well hidden in the bush. People had told me about it but I never discovered it until last week when Dan and I discovered it about a 50 metres off the road. Its a very nice fall surrounded by lush vegetation.The best time to photograph here will probably be late Spring or early Summer. Its a romantic spot so I made the picture into a Victorian black and white image.


  1. Beautiful water images Mike! Thanks, Dave

  2. Hi Mike! Did you use any filter for this shot? Find us more hidden spots!

  3. Hi Rude Kawliflawa,
    Glad you like the picture. No I did not use any filters. I simply processed the original colour photograph into this black and white picture in Photoshop.

  4. Gorgeous shot!
    I think this must be the same falls I shot last weekend. We drive the Wolf Lake road often, and I had never seen it before. It jumped out at me and I managed to make it through the bush with only one muddy soaked shoe! Definetly on my return to list!

  5. John Minkowskyj8:54 AM

    Was this shot taken off Wolf Lake road as pgp says?

  6. Hi John,
    Yes you are are right it is the same falls pgp wrote about in her posting. Its definitely worth seeing and of course taking pictures of it.
