Monday, September 21, 2009


I made this image a few weeks ago while visiting the very picturesque town of Elora in Southern Ontario. I also like to thank Rob for his comment about the show in Callander. The opening was well attended actually, considering the beautiful weekend. So thanks to everybody who came out to see our work.


  1. John Minkowskyj12:01 PM

    This looks like it could be Hansel & Gretel's cottage (Garden, Elora). Good show at the museum with a good informed crowd (of former students). Thank you for your insight & info on the 'Gathering Storm' print. it was nice talking to you in person. Because of the number of people I did not want monopolize your time. Are you having a class or tutorial on Photo Elements this fall?

  2. Hi Mike,
    Really disappointed that I did not make it up north, and get to see your show. Glad to hear that you had a good turnout though. Love this shot! Thanks, Dave

  3. Mike, don't forget to mention your work will continue to be showing in Calander, even though the "show" was on Sat.
