Saturday, August 22, 2009


This Summer has been a very busy time for me. First the renovations downstairs followed by a variety of visitors and to top it off I am working on a show at the Alex Dufresne Gallery in Callander Ontario. This picture is actually for our friend Linda. The little sculpture was made by an old friend Mieke Coppens Frehe. My sister brought it for me from Holland where I had left it. Mieke made this harlequin after a trip we had made with a group of fellow students through France in the Summer of 1958.It was a very memorable trip and this piece was made after we visited Vaison la Romaine in the south of France. The harlequin was the "master of ceremony" at the finale of a great festival in the town, which ended in the old Roman amphitheatre.


  1. A beautiful schulpture and image also. I like your background.

  2. Thanks Carole, I made the background using an image of shadows on a wall. I tried to get a background which would not be too overpowering but complement the little statue.

  3. You certainly did a beautiful job of creating a background for this sculpture Mike. It is nice to see the final result, when two different artists blend their talents into one beautiful work of art. Fantastic sir!

  4. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Dag Michael
    Mijn man Gert was op zoek naar foto's van mijn werk en stootte op deze website.
    Hoe verbazend om de foto van de Harlekijn terug te zien te midden van andere foto's van jou.
    Ik heb er een kopie van gemaakt vanaf internet; dat lukte. Vind je dat goed?
    Hartelijke groeten, Mieke Coppens-Frehe

  5. mdemoree.blogspot.com11:56 AM

    Hi Mieke,
    Wat een verrassing om je commentaar te lezen. Natuurlijk heb ik er geen bezwaar tegen dat je een kopie gemaakt hebt van de foto. Maar als je mij je adres stuurt zal ik je een goede foto van sturen. Je And my emaillen op Ik hoop van je te horen.
