Tuesday, May 05, 2009


At last I am able to post again. Last week my computer stopped working altogether. I ran a virus check but the software could not find anything. Actually I think there was a virus because the computer slowly died down. One program at a time. I had been thinking for some time that I should get another computer so this was the clincher. This morning my new toy arrived. It is quite a bit faster than the old one of course I still have to load most of my programs on this one so that will keep me busy for the next few days. By the weekend I will be fully operational.


  1. New computer ... must be nice!!

  2. Hey Mike,
    Glad you are up and running again. I have had to rebuild my computer twice now. NOT much fun. Thanks for the comments on my blog about Jack. You two were my greatest teachers, and I am grateful for that. Lovely picture today. Thanks,

  3. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Welcome back to cyber space!


  4. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Great picture. I was in the same area about a week and a half ago taking similar pictures. Did you use VirtualPhotographer for this picture?
