Monday, February 02, 2009


Time for another picture. Again it has been some time since I posted a new image. Its a busy time for me so I have not given as much attention to my blog as I should have. Hopefully it will change. This weekend I will be in Quebec City for to enjoy their Winter canival. I am looking forward to it and am planning to take many pictures. In the mean time here is another image from my New York trip. I made quite a few images of the NY subway.


  1. Hey Mike,
    A zoom effect without zooming. I like. Thanks, Dave

  2. It seems amazing it's so clean, not what is portrayed in the media nad on TV and movies. Also, the ceiling pipes look ripe for vandalization.

  3. I really like this Mike. Love the lines and the way your eye is led through the image.

  4. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Mike, I can't believe that I'm moving so fast through the subway...thanks for the boost!
