Saturday, November 22, 2008


One more picture of the lake. This time an outcrop along the shore, popularly know as "First Rocky". This place holds special memories for me because I lived close to this rock outcrop.


  1. Good morning Mike,
    Great composition and lighting! After living in North Bay for 35 years, I never once heard of this area referred to as "First Rocky" until now. Thanks for the update. LOL Dave

  2. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Dear Mr. De Moore,

    I remember this place very well. Monique and I used to swim there together, sometimes I would bring the big black innertube on a wavy day and we would go through the rocks together. We loved diving off at the deepest place. I miss these times. Hope you are well and when you talk to Monique tell her I say hi.

    Dawn Purdy Karkut
