Tuesday, October 21, 2008


well, that was quite a surprise this morning. The first snow of the season. We woke up to a small snowstorm. The wind was quite strong and it was no fun cleaning off the car. Dave Brown must be chuckling.


  1. Hi Mike,
    Great shot! I have to admit to chuckling a little when I checked out your blog today. It is cold and windy today here also, but no snow yet. Yesterday it was 20C, and the leaves are starting to turn now. Hope to shoot a little more autumn colours soon. Thanks, Dave

  2. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Mike, a chilly scene, and great walk into winter!
    ...looking forward to more inspirational shots. Once more, I thank you for all your ideas, you have me thinking at different angles all the time now. While driving I see great ideas even in wood piles, brick yards.
    Here's to a Great Wintery Season. We have lots to look forward to.
    Your student,
    Nonie Ava Ault
    (deviant art site--nonieavaault)

  3. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Mike Demoree,
    Is it possible for you to forward Dave Brown's email address? Thank You

    From John Minkowskyj

  4. Hi Mike,
    This is for John Minkowskyj. My e-mail address is dbrown114@cogeco.ca I would very much like to hear from more of the photo group that I enjoyed so much in North Bay. Thanks, Dave
