Monday, September 22, 2008


Thanks Polly for your posting. Yes I feel the same when I see some of what passes for art. After I saw two excellent photo exhibits at the national gallery I ended up in a show of art work selected by the Royal Bank. I was very disappointed by the shallowness of the art and I wont comment on the poor technical quality. When I turned to leave the exhibition space I noticed across from me a space which obviously was being renovated. I took this picture because I felt that the subject of the plastic covered opening was far more interesting than the art work I just looked at.


  1. Anonymous3:59 AM

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  2. LOL very humourous indeed. It must have been a bad exhibition. But great shot and well spotted.

  3. That shot is great. The light alone leaves you looking at it in length. Speaking of "art" our modern collection at the Portland museum is really sad and disappointing, left me feeling quite sad when we went to see it.
    Your work gives one hope when we are faced with things such as the black cube in a gallery.
