Thursday, June 26, 2008


my friend Steve lent me his super wide zoom lens so I could try it out. Normally I don't work with extreme wide angle lenses so it takes some adjusting to get to know the visual possibilities of this type of lens.


  1. So that's how they get that effect.

    To somenoe whose entry-level camera is currently on the blink I'm a tad jealous of where you are... but, on the positive side, you do give me somethind to aspire to.

    A Jannie, in passing.

  2. Très bel effet, on dirait un vieux bateau.

  3. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Love to see more of your experimenting Mike! Excellent...

  4. Experiment? It looks like you have been using this for a long time.

  5. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Mike, further examination of your photo, I noted that if you study the left side you can feel that part of the house; and turning to the right side(back) you feel that part of the house. Usually this can only be done when we are literally walking around a house! Really amazing shot!
    Nonie Ava Ault

  6. Beautiful textures to this I love the monotones too. I'm pleased Andre ahs introduced me to your work and I'm h=going to add you to my blogger links on my site.
