Saturday, May 17, 2008


Still showing pictures of last weeks trip to T.O Walking though an alley downtown I saw this painting. Of course I couldn't resist taking a picture. I like te contrast but also the different textures of te wall surfaces.


  1. there is no word to describe this one... it is realy awesome.

  2. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Hi Mike:
    Awesome textures, colours! I guess you noted while on your way to Toronto how so many old rest stops are closed and falling apart! Sad, but time does move along. Good to see you see the art in all of these changes.
    Mike, would you have some information on medium or large format digital cameras for us? I am finding my digital screen too small lately.
    Nonie Ava Ault

  3. Anonymous6:49 PM

    I really like this one, as you say the colours and textures are quite neat. I also really like how the painting is framed twice by the green door thing and then again by the bricks that surround it.
