Friday, November 23, 2007


The early morning frost and sunlight made for this abstract image of the car.


  1. Anonymous9:32 PM

    I have to admit I'm impressed...

    Found your blog while simply surfing for other photographers around the North Bay area... am an amateur recently discovering the art, looking for those more experienced to draw inspiration from.

    Your work is phenominal. Angles and compositions I'd have never considered you seem to pull off perfectly.

    Saw in your profile you taught for years at the college. Can only imagine the benefits of having an instructor with your talents to draw from.

  2. Anonymous10:24 PM

    You evoke, you inspire.

    p.s. I was fortunate to have been one of your students back in the 1970's, wandering through farm fields in winter storms. I'll never forget opening my camera, 'thinking' that my film was all rolled up! A good lesson; one where I lost some of my best work!

  3. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Yup, Mike was my instructor as well in College during my Graphic Design days 96-98.

    Amazing instructor and person. I will always remember Mike and how he gave me my passion for photography.

    His wife makes a mean garlic and cilantro dip too. :)

  4. Anonymous2:40 PM

    As an instructor in Photography at Canadore, in 1974, Mike offered his passion, absolute passion for photography. Many instructors teach, yet Mike shared his love of the art, and in turn any student truly 'wanting' would in turn drink in his expertise. Mike never worried about giving a lesson, he spoke from his heart; hence his teaching, and his art are its fruit.
    Thank you Mike.

  5. Anonymous2:41 PM

    p.s. Nonie

  6. O wow, another one that I love. The frost gives it a very interesting look, I agree with what Chris said aswell when I actually stopped to think of the angle at which you took the picture its something that one would think just would'nt work but you really pull it off.
