Monday, September 17, 2007


Yesterday we made a trip around lake Temiskaming. In Ville Marie we picnicked at the site of the old Fort Temiscamingue. I had not been there for a few years and was surprised at the changes on the site. First I was not sure if I liked the reconstruction of the fort by showing only elements of building and rooms. After looking at my pictures I realized that instead of building a replica they made it look like the remnants of buildings. Very similar of what you would see on other countries which show the ruins of the former site.Hope you like it Nonie.


  1. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Mike, once again, yes I am impressed with the forms, lines and combination. Rather thoughtfully put together. Haunting. We visited Brent,just a few miles(turns into 1.5 hours for 40km of gravel-- off the highway from Mattawa last week, and it is a town hidden, containing some impressive buildings, structures, old drains made from wood. A more-then-over-hundred-year-old 'operating' general store. It closes after thanksgiving, and reopens in May with a corn-roast with old timers coming out to tell old stories. Have you been there?

  2. Anonymous9:01 PM

    p.s. I forgot my camera that day!!!

  3. Very neat, Mike. I've never been there. And Nonie's mention of Brent intrigues me.
