Wednesday, December 06, 2006


A few days ago Eric was curious what Lake Nipissing looks like in the Winter. Well, Eric in this picture, which I made this morning, you see the beginning of freeze-up. Now it will not be long before the lake is frozen solid and then you can enjoy the various Winter activities like ice fishing or snowmobiling.


  1. Absolutely brilliant shot, Mike!
    You are pushing me again.

  2. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Great picture Mike. It is amazing how much ice you have already. I may yet carve out the time to see it in person.


    PS Thanks for the link, I've reciprocated

  3. Anonymous5:08 AM

    I'm curious about a color version...

  4. ahh the memories of sitting by Lake Nipissing and listening to the shifting new ice in late fall... I guess I miss The Bay more than I thought! Great image again Mike... I hope to get to see you over the Holidays!
