Thursday, November 17, 2005


Its been a few days since I posted an image. But I am back again and will post more regularly. This picture is for Rachel who sent me avery nice email. She is interested in some technical details. Well I took this picture yesterday on the shore of Lake Nipissing. The wind was very strong. Of course at this time of the year you can expect that. It was impossible to mount the camera on a tripod so it was shot handheld with my Olympus C8080, lensopening F8 and a shutterspeed of 1/250. Hope this is what you are looking for Rachel.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the technical details! What is your favorite film and film speed for a shot like this? I so enjoy your site, that I am following a little in your footsteps and have created a site of my own @ I would love to hear your feedback about the shots I post. I hope you don't mind, but I enjoyed the black template you chose for my site as well--it just suits photoblogs best anyhow.

    As a North Bay native, I can relate to your pictures and enjoy seeing North Bay's beauty through your eyes.
