Thanks Adam M for your posting. Here is another picture I did in Ottawa a few weeks ago. I saw this guy downtown and was simply curious about the leather jacket.
Early Spring on one of my favourite trails along the shore of Lake Nipissing. It is a very nice trail but it is really upsetting to see all the garbage, empty popcans, plastic water bottles and bags, left behind. So much for our environmental concern.
Thanks for your posting Monika. I am glad you so obvious enjoyed the picture. Tonight I walked along the shore of my favourite lake. it was a beautiful evening, actually it was our first really warm day. It was so enjoyable to see the shapes and patterns of the rock again. Don't get me wrong I do like Winter but I am always happy to see the arrival of Spring.
At last, Spring has arrived. Last night I took some pictures of the breakup of the ice on Lake Nipissing and let me tell you it was great to see the snow runof and the softening of the ice.
I guess you are right Rob so here is a black and white image of the complete building. It still looks very rundown and could do with some nice restoration.
Visited Ottawa this weekend and spent time wandering around the Bankstreet area taking pictures. I noticed this sad looking theatre. It is a pity to see buildings like this one in such a state of decay. Sure we cannot save everything but you wonder about the history of these places and if people are even interested in keeping these architectural artifacts, after all a city is a living artwork.
It is a good time for me to clean out my small office. I am sorting through my files and came across this picture I took quite a few years ago of this rock along the shore of Lake Nipissing. It reminds me of some ancient prehistoric image or even a sketch by Henri Moore.